Dacora Dignette

Color-Subitar 1:2,8/45mm lens
Prontor 125 (1/30, 1/60, 1/125 en B)

nr. 554000
The rangefinder window at the left is fake. Dacora cameras also were sold as Ilford (Sportsman) cameras.

Not for sale!

(addited comment from visitors:)

de dacora dignette is er ook met wel een belichtingsmeter, niet gekoppeld. ik heb er een op ebay te koop staan, ebay uk trouwens. ik ben zachtjesaan mn verzameling aan het uitdunnen, ik heb er zo'n 700. ik wil naar 100-150 terug. de mooiste hou ik zelf. groetjes; roel
roel de man (bovenkarspel)

Hello! I just bought this exact same camera at a flea market. Now Now I want to find out more about it, esp the model. The original model did not have the Prontor 125 lens and the downward trigger like this here. Do you know more? Thanks, Julia
Julia (Constance, Germany)

I have a Dacora Dignette with Pronto shutter. It has lens marked as "Steinheil Munchen Caesar 1:2.8/45mm Nr 1768492". The front of the camera has no branding on the steel, but there is a small disc of metal at the top right, just right of the square metal lens housing that says "dignette". The view finder eyepice at the rear isa small circle of about 5mm diameter
Tony (Australia)

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   Dacora Dignette
Dacora Dignette
Dacora Dignette
136 (29-05-2004)